
Many who have attended CAWEE's Work Permit Training may already know, but for those that have not, please be aware that classified personnel can NOT sign work permits.

We are finding many school districts are out of compliance and illegally having personnel signing work permits. Kudos to those of you contacting us and CDE wanting to make sure you are doing things properly.

We are finding many school districts are out of compliance and illegally having personnel signing work permits. Kudos to those of you contacting us and CDE wanting to make sure you are doing things properly.

According to Ed code, there are only a few positions that are permitted to sign. Authorization comes from the Superintendent of each LEA.

LEA Superintendent may give the authority to the following:

  • Work Experience Coordinator/Teacher - (Prepare AND Sign)
    (WEE Coord/teacher is the same person, not two different people, must have a Work Exp. program)
  • Person holding a PPS credential
  • Principal 
    (Principals do not have the time needed to do this job properly. Nor and understandably, they do not want the legal responsibility)

If a Principal gives an Assist Principal designation, that is only to be used in an emergency situation. It is NOT to be included with their regular assigned responsibilities.

The best and logical person to be given this responsibility IS the Work Experience Coordinator/Teacher. Have a Work Experience Coordinator/Teacher at each school site. In order to become a Work Experience Coordinator/Teacher, they must have private business industry experience "outside" of their Education career.

The WEE Coordinator's mandatory and required responsibilities include being in the business community making physical business checks on employed students and/or students participating in internships. The individual signing the work permits MUST be accessible and able to leave campus to follow-up on business and labor issues that arise from our working minors and students interning in the community, in addition to the responsibility of revoking work permits.

Work Experience Coordinators/Teachers already have a working rapport with the business community. A Work Experience Coordinator/Teacher's sole position is to Teach Work Experience Education and issue work permits. Not to be used as a "fill-in" a couple sections in a 6 period Teacher's school schedule. When done the proper way, it maintains consistency throughout the district. Therefore keeping the health and safety of our students a priority while in the workplace. It may also eliminate unnecessary lawsuits to the local LEA.

Do you have a Work Experience Coordinator/Teacher at your school site?

WEE Coordinators are BOTH Coordinator AND Teacher. They are NOT two separate positions. Having the WEE Coordinator/Teacher designated to prepare and sign work permits as their sole position and responsibility, is the best and most efficient way to accomplish the task of preparing and signing work permits.

If you have questions, please contact Erle Hall at CDE: ehall@cde.ca.gov. Erle Hall is the CDE representative that oversees work permits and Work Experience Education. Robin Whetzel, Gail Sims and MaryJo Edmondson of CAWEE Executive board are also available to answer your questions.

Our goal is to keep our students safe while in the workplace and our LEA's out of legal jeopardy.

CONGRATULATIONS to all that successfully completed the Work Permit training at the Fall Conference. CAWEE had one of the highest pass rates. 96% of individuals who had taken the test PASSED!

Do you know the risks and liabilities of ed-code and labor-code? CAWEE is a professional organization that specializes in work experience, internships and the legalities of work internships.

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