SECTION 1 The name of this Association shall be the California Association of Work Experience Educators, Incorporated (CAWEE), hereinafter referred to as the Association.
SECTION 1 The purpose of the Association shall be:
SECTION 1 The organizational structure of the Association shall consist of the Membership-at-large, Chapters, Regional Presidentâs Council, the Executive Board, and functional standing committees.
SECTION 2 The Association shall have an annual business meeting.
SECTION 1 A person is eligible for membership in the Association who is engaged in or interested in guidance, training, and employment through coordinated Work Experience Education Programs, career education, and other work-based learning or School-to-Career programs.
SECTION 2 There shall be six classes of membership: Regular, Life, Retired, Institutional, Associate, and Business/Industry.
SECTION 3 Rights and privileges of members:
SECTION 1 The Association shall consist of representative Regions in the State of California.
SECTION 2 The Regions shall be divided geographically to provide the most convenient access to Regional meetings and to provide equitable representation.
SECTION 3 Members of the Association may form, merge or dissolve Chapters of the Association by written application and approval of the Executive Board.
SECTION 4 Officers of local chapters must be members in good standing of CAWEE.
SECTION 1 The Chapter Presidents shall meet as a Council at CAWEE Conferences.
SECTION 2 The Council will provide leadership and recommendations to the chapters, the Associations standing committees, and to the Executive Board.
SECTION 3 The Executive Board's Northern and Southern Representatives shall serve as Co-Chairpersons of the President's Council in each of their respective regions.
SECTION 1 Each Region is entitled to two (2) representatives elected by and from the general membership of each respective region.
SECTION 2 The elected Northern and Southern Representatives shall serve on the Associations Executive Board.
SECTION 3 The Representatives shall be Regular, Life, Retired or Institutional membersinvolved with secondary school Work Experience Education, career education, School-to-Career, and/or college Cooperative Education in their respective region.
SECTION 1 Voting members of the Executive Board shall consist of elected officers which include the Northern and Southern Representatives (4), President, President-Elect, and Immediate Past President. Non-voting members of the Executive Board consist of Presidential appointees which may include but not be limited to Administrative Assistant, Finance Director, Representatives of: Business/Industry; Labor; State Department of Education; Career Education; School-to-Career; the Chancellorâs Office; and California Community Colleges.
SECTION 2 The President, President-Elect, Immediate Past-President, and Standing Committee Chairpersons, shall serve for a period of one year coinciding with the fiscal year of the Association (July 1 - June 30).
SECTION 3 The Northern and Southern regional Representatives shall serve a two-year termsof office, respectively, coinciding with the fiscal year of the Association.
SECTION 4 One Northern and Southern regional representatives shall be elected from each Region each year.
SECTION 5 Vacancy in the Office of President shall be filled by the President-Elect, as acting President for the remaining portion of the unexpired term.
SECTION 6 Vacancy in the office of President-Elect shall be filled by a two-thirds vote of the Executive Board for the remaining portion of the unexpired term.
SECTION 7 Vacancies in any of the regional Representative offices shall be filled by action of the respective Chapters. The person so appointed shall serve during the remaining portion of the unexpired term.
SECTION 8 The President-Elect automatically succeeds to the Presidency following the year as President-Elect.
SECTION 9 No person shall hold more than one elected position on the Executive Board at one time.
SECTION 10 Elected officers may be removed from office by a petition to the Executive Board. The petition must contain verified signatures of at least 50 voting members or 10 percent of the members voting in the last election for that office, whichever is greater. A special recall election will be held within 30 working days after the Executive Board's verification and acceptance of the petition. A majority of the ballots cast constitutes the decision.
SECTION 11 An office may be declared vacant by a quorum of the Executive Board if an officer fails to attend two or more Board meetings within a fiscal year (July 1- June 30).
SECTION 1 Candidates for the offices of Regional Representative and President-Elect shall submit declarations of candidacy as prescribed in the By-Laws.
SECTION 2 Candidates for the office of President-Elect must have served at least one year in a voting position on the Executive Board or as an officer and a paid member of a Local Chapter prior to being eligible to assume the office of President-Elect.
SECTION 3 Candidates for the office of Regional Representative must be in the second year, or more, of membership in CAWEE at the time of candidacy.
SECTION 4 Election of officers shall be held annually.
SECTION 5 Election procedures will be specified in the By-Laws.
SECTION 6 A majority vote of the ballots cast constitutes election of regional Representatives and President-Elect.
SECTION 1 Proposed Constitutional amendment(s) require written notice of the proposal to the Association President's Council by a voting member. Upon approval by the Chapter Presidents Council, the proposed Constitutional amendment(s) will be submitted to the Executive Board prior to March 1 for inclusion on a mail ballot.
SECTION 2 Proposed Constitutional amendments may also be put on the ballot by an individual member securing at least 25 signatures of voting members and submitted to the Executive Board prior to March 1 for inclusion on a mail ballot.
SECTION 3 Proposed Constitutional amendments per Article X, Section 1 shall be by mail ballot prior to the next annual meeting.
SECTION 4 Proposed Constitutional amendments become effective after Executive Board verification of an affirmative majority vote of the ballots cast. The Executive Board will publicize and implement the results of the amendment balloting.