The California Association of Work Experience Educators (CAWEE) will lead the way in supporting work based-learning professionals and students in grades TK-14 while educating all stakeholders on child labor laws and work permit compliance. CAWEE will continue to be the leader in promoting high quality career readiness programs.
The California Association of Work Experience Educators will provide a high quality career readiness education environment that enables students to become responsible citizens!
We are committed to motivating students in grades TK-14 in California by inspiring them to think critically, collaborate and communicate successfully, develop soft skills, solve problems efficiently, and incorporate technology to enrich their lives.
WE ASPIRE excellence as we instruct and prepare students for the future.
WE SERVE all students in the state and strive to met their needs and challenges.
WE VALUE each student's development, challenges and successes, as they strive to enter the world of work.
In 1963-1964, groups of Work Experience Educators in the northern and southern regions of the state began to organize a professional association.
These groups merged in 1965 to form CAWEE and held their first state convention in May, 1965.
The California Association of Work Experience Educators (CAWEE) was formed to establish and maintain guidelines for professional conduct; to provide inservice training opportunities; and to ensure that Work Experience Educators understand labor laws and regulations regarding youth employment.
It is a professional organization for, and run by, educators and career specialists who are involved in providing students with real world experience within the workplace. This organization is dedicated to the education of not only Work Experience educators, but of School-to-Career specialists and others involved in this process.
Activities for members include:
• Attending chapter meetings and workshops
• Participating in regional conferences
• Accessing a central location for work experience information
• Having a "voice" on issues relating to youth training and employment
• Networking for school-to-work implementation
• Acquiring up-to-date legislation on work-related issues.
CAWEE represents the many schools, educators, businesses, community groups and individuals who work together as partners to help students achieve educational excellence.Work Experience Education Programs are designed to link the academic core curriculum with the world of work and have gained recognition as a vital component of modern education in the rapidly changing and technological society of today.Work Experience Education Programs utilize the community’s business and industrial complex as a career training laboratory. Students can learn or polish skills, assess capabilities while employed, or perform career exploration by observing task performance and working conditions in actual work settings.
1965-1966 Duane Brubaker
1966-1967 Milan Wright
1967-1968 Homer Schilling
1968-1969 Vern Gillmore
1969-1970 George Barich
1970-1971 Gordon Ray
1971-1972 Donald Averill
1972-1973 Norvin Spence
1973-1974 William Cook
1974-1975 Elbert Garcia
1975-1976 Homer Sweeney
1977-1978 Bobbie Stenton-Edgin
1978-1979 Walt Anderson
1979-1980 Anthony Roe
1980-1981 Ken Thomas
1981-1982 Pat Kress
1982-1983 Ned Davis
1983-1984 Genevie Brown
1984-1985 Carla Kane
1985-1986 William Mathiasen
1986-1987 J. Richard Koon
1987-1988 Russ Lindgren
1988-1989 Anji Clemens
1989-1990 Margaret McCarthy
1990-1991 Joel Haber
1991-1992 John Todd
1992-1993 Cartha Tennille
1993-1994 William Lipschultz
1994-1995 Allan R. Kumlin
1995-1996 Lula Calkins
1996-1998 Gloria McGill
1998-1999 Jan Vach
1999-2000 Sylvia Drucker
2000-2001 Bev Giampietro
2001-2002 John Pierson
2002-2003 Peggy Bullock
2003-2004 Greg Heguiagaray
2004-2005 Dennis Jones
2005-2006 Thomas Anderson
2006-2007 Nellie Mendenhall
2007-2008 Thomas Anderson
2008-2009 Carol Rask
2009-2010 Robin Whetzel
2010-2011 Lori Jepson
2011-2012 Gail Sims
2012-2013 Patti Gordinier
2013-2014 Robin Whetzel
2014-2016 Tonette Slaviero
2016-2018 Mary Jo Edmondson
2018-2020 Gail Sims
2020-2024 Michael Esposito
2024-Current Tim Riche
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